WK39: DaveDILLY (13-11) vs Bag Mandela (6-6) (BAGS WINS)
Regular Battle
Punches due NO DUE DATES
Voting ends on NO DUE DATES
1 bar(2lines) vs 1 bar(2lines)
You know the rules, if not, refer to the rule thread.
first to 4 wins
3-0 is a KO
@Bag Mandela
Re: WK39: DaveDILLY (13-11) vs Bag Mandela (6-6)
My new "paperboard" styles poppin, get packed up with light boxin,
I got fists of Fury, no surprise when I face Dilly-n Whytewash him
Re: WK39: DaveDILLY (13-11) vs Bag Mandela (6-6)
i will work on something soon
Re: WK39: DaveDILLY (13-11) vs Bag Mandela (6-6)
due Sunday midnight
Re: WK39: DaveDILLY (13-11) vs Bag Mandela (6-6)
no bitches feeling dis dude - love lifes in the rear view..
not only do they AVOID him -
they’d rather be stuck in 1 then near u
Re: WK39: DaveDILLY (13-11) vs Bag Mandela (OPEN FOR VOTES) (6-6)
Seen better from dilly feels a bit rushed this week, bags name play was pretty dope can’t say I’ve ever seen it before and liked the fury whyte connection in it
Re: WK39: DaveDILLY (13-11) vs Bag Mandela (OPEN FOR VOTES) (6-6)
dave dilly had a punch without telling us the punch. It's implied, but that's a weird tactic.
Vote Bag
Re: WK39: DaveDILLY (13-11) vs Bag Mandela (OPEN FOR VOTES) (6-6)
Re: WK39: DaveDILLY (13-11) vs Bag Mandela (OPEN FOR VOTES) (6-6)
Vote - Manbags
i was surprised by this battle, definitely a good one. Bugs had the mma angle which i like. dD had the stuck in a void wordplay which was cool to see. i think Mandingy has a better executed punch though.
good shit mangz
Re: WK39: DaveDILLY (13-11) vs Bag Mandela (OPEN FOR VOTES) (6-6)
Re: WK39: DaveDILLY (13-11) vs Bag Mandela (OPEN FOR VOTES) (6-6)
i fw a void/avoid it was solid, but it wasn't tailored to his opponent.Thats only a problem if you opponent's bar is as good or better than yours and if their bar is personal or not. Bag's bar was personal and Bags bar had a lot more going on in it. i liked the np/2 name plays since fury was in there also.
Re: WK39: DaveDILLY (13-11) vs Bag Mandela (OPEN FOR VOTES) (6-6)
Dave’s punch was cool it wasn’t bad I liked the flip on it
Bags creativity on this one is what edged him the win here perfectly executed IMO.
Vote - Baggy.
Re: WK39: DaveDILLY (13-11) vs Bag Mandela (OPEN FOR VOTES) (6-6)