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Thread: Shape Poem "Quest-ions"

  1. #1
    Take a Dose of my Codes Ragian's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2018

    Shape Poem "Quest-ions"

    A quest to find an answer
    where an answer is your destination
    Called out of the darkness, the children of God
    drawing ever nearer to the light way over the horizon
    Eyes accumulating information while illuminating universes
    Every action leaves a fingerprint in history fueling the fires of the future
    a flame that flickers feverishly for all awaiting the conclusion of the suffering
    We are the ones who stole the fire from the flaming sword in the Garden of Eden
    to chase away the darkness and hunt the beasts to be sacrificed and devoured
    to shed light on the mysteries, to open what the Maker has concealed
    to reveal the burning lies that ravaged paradise on this earth
    A burning passion within, we mourn those burned alive
    the innocent, humanity is just a war-torn family
    I am the one caught in the middle
    riddled with rain drops
    the pain stops

  2. #2
    You've Earned a Custom Title!
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    Re: Shape Poem "Quest-ions"

    Hi Ragian. Overall, I though thought the poem was written and structured well. Regarding the word choice, it flowed pretty good and catch my attention. In my opinion, it was a good drop which stayed on the concept.

  3. #3
    Take a Dose of my Codes Ragian's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2018

    Re: Shape Poem "Quest-ions"

    thanks Slashe

  4. #4
    Banned Rock girl's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
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    Re: Shape Poem "Quest-ions"

    It was a very drop
    Deep words
    Powerful meaning
    Stronger feelings

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