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Thread: Why I do raps (Diss)

  1. #1

    Why I do raps (Diss)

    Okay people listen up, this is why I do my raps.

    I'm the illest rapper, with a fucked up childhood,
    I first started snort oboy, then pepper on plywood,
    I grew up in the wildhood, failed in school,
    became a jerk and a fool, kidnaped one of my teachers sisters,
    raped she in the a bed, took the corpse and rolled down from 3 steps.
    You maybye think that I am negative person, well i dont promote violence,
    if I did would it make sence? Do as me, please try to be, jump off a bridge
    and if you still live, do it again and repeat hundred times. Are you afraid?
    Why not? It's not that scary to land on a spot and blow the brain out!
    Do it you only live once you might aswell suicide now. If the bridge
    dont works, tell someone to shoot you from the crowd.
    I think my Iq is low, it's time for me to go down to a basement,
    isolate me from the world and sleep on a carpet, burn up the apartment.
    I'm a liar, a evil person, i have to many mental problems to fix in the hospital section. I beat my parents with a wooden leg, beated my dad
    over the fucking head with the peg! I never walk as normal, I live in a wheelchair, my brain is so damaged i stoped to talk, it needs a repair.
    I was born during an earthquake, my traumas is so horrible, I can't never sleep I'm allways awake. I'm more or less sick in the head, maybe more cause I smoked crack to be dead? Today, yesterday, all days from monday to friday, I'm rolling joints on the table. Everytime i write my lyrics i feel me so horny, my text is so corny. That they bore me and I woke up too late this morning, had sex with Shirley. The girly I fucked last year when her hair was curly. I live on a vulcan, I've robbed a trailerpark from an afghan. If you dont believe it then you wanna try to convince me, that you're doper than me, which I hope. But I rock the microphone with my fast raps, i'll blow you, my mouth spits the words
    faster then Japs.
    People that say don't do it, dont do it cuz that shit is stupid, I knew it! I take a beat and loop it, I take a rhyme and troop it.
    I will keep doing my raps to my death, I promes i'll die near my mic
    down and wrapped on the floor with my dick. But i dont give a damn, give a fuck, give a shit, .give a hell, give a piss give a dick give a lick or whatever you think. Mapcore is the only true place and home, now how would you feel to be kicked out for some rap and live in a cold sewer alone? You have no food, you drink the toxin water with urine and poo.
    Sleeping on a newspaper, when it's torn out you get a new diaper.
    Some people still don't understand, how can I use a pc now?
    But fuck that, I seek for cash to rent this laptop from a hoe.
    It's Windows 98, i hate it! it ugly and old! I promes you i robbed it from a
    cd store, my internet connection is slow, I should be using internet for 4 hours ago! See now, how hard it is, everytime you guys diss me for this shit. I can quit rap, i can shut the fuck up, but, I'll go to a armory, unlock a bazooka and shoot in my head to be trapp'd. You ordered me to do this your wacks! Now didnt you think about my family? You've sais rap is crap!
    Oh well, the music snapp'd. Yes, I said it now shut your trout up. I'll do what ever i want, i don't want to be in this spawn. We'll see how things work, when the last day is at. It's only 2 ways for me, to heaven or down to hell, "Nooo get me OUT!"

    Whatever the hell that meant..

    I'm retarded, idiot, wack, crackdealer,
    asshole, egoist, racist, satanist, christian, fucked up, wigger, dick, prick,
    looser, i sucks, i have no life, no wife, no kids, no ass, no bitch, no grass

    But I can still speak! Now I've allready told you, more questions? I'm out this is sick!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    My House
    Battle Record
    Yo.....way too long......i reckon nobody is going to read that homie.....shorten it a lil
    Are you remarkable???

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