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Thread: Happy Birthday

  1. #1
    MAD! A Disciple's Avatar
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    CT (wtby)
    Battle Record

    Happy Birthday

    Happy Birthday

    Happy birthday pls get me out of this shit
    Still spitting like a spider sounding way too legit
    I’m playing though...
    They ain’t ready yet... and I swear I didn’t jump back in to play
    And all they do is remind me what they did to me every single fucking day
    He still breathing and that one? I’m about to learn about an anniversary to ether
    And you know what? I don’t fucking care now either
    Let me break down why I love you today
    You taught me “I didn’t have to incorporate yay in my business”
    You knew I’d run out that room when I saw your face
    He got 3 years and I finally said ok I’m done and that’s not just to save face
    I been so far out it doesn’t even make sense
    Now they see all that power shit like oh no I’m not your defense
    You taught me “a flower can grow in the dark”
    I had to read the Quran to finally believe that and now I don’t know where to start
    I remember the first time I heard me and your man sharing skirts
    You were so mad I said your name lol - you know they stole all my white t shirts?
    I didn’t mean to I just didn’t think shit like that was true
    Now I’m just sitting here like big fucking deal I did it once too
    (Stupid bitches)
    You taught me survival
    I met you long before east 125th and what he hate me now
    My mood swings turning into fits and I cant place but why or how
    Better off alone... I already saw you screaming trying to wake me up
    Too late, that’s always the case but family? Now that’s really what’s up
    Rest In Peace to the pac - that shit still echoing thru my ear
    Es tu so what... I don’t even know you and ain’t seen you in what? 30 years?
    I’m so confused... I can’t understand why everything turned
    Hello from the other side... now that video really burned
    Sky yeah hi hello... but no... she don’t live here no more and prolly never will again
    You popping breezy on all that shit but all I ever asked for was a real friend
    So pac back to you and the bandana too and like I wish I could hear you again so I just know what it is and what to do
    If you’re not breathing I swear to mother fucking god
    And that’s just not a facade
    Australia... that shit was funny - me and Kerry laughing about moving there cause the feds off the hook
    She used to type key words just to piss them off cause they got her for like 100k but fighting law not a good look
    I’m seriously hurt by them and what they helped them do
    And I know it’s not your problem but I know they know the truth too
    I’m tired... I’m so fucking exhausted and there isn’t an end in sight
    I don’t ever wanna go ninja on these mother fuckers again and I don’t want to fight
    It still ain’t right...
    We got a black president - ced even cried
    Now he there with them on the wrong side
    Them bitches I know it took me too long to learn that lesson too
    You stood there and watched 5 more years get wasted... what did I even do?
    “It’s like a sherm my bitch when you learn to fly I wouldn’t even let you burn my bitch you deserve to die”
    Tell biggie I’m sorry... I don’t know why I was so mad but I know he here too
    Fuck west side east side what about the Midwest? I heard some chick from out there and she better than you
    Pac look what you did... for real for real
    All this cause of you
    I’ve never been so proud of my angel and lucky to have you too
    Happy birthday... I heard you’d be 50 today but nah don’t shoot... I’m gonna be ok
    I hate when my soul bleeds and the tears burn my eyes and they’ve made me look so fucking stupid I had to show them my eyes (when they gonna realize?)

  2. #2
    MAD! A Disciple's Avatar
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    CT (wtby)
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    Re: Happy Birthday


  3. #3
    MAD! A Disciple's Avatar
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    Re: Happy Birthday

    I was fine and back to work over a year... just barely started exercising again then here come Kevin now too! I held on thru the torture every night for over a year. I just snapped and let go. Everyone hates me there! It’s like the more I said I’m ready the worse it got. I’m so fucking tired and frustrated it’s not even funny. I need help... and THE TRUTH! But not from any of you that already had a chance... I just need you to leave. Nah I’m not mad at you... I’m just sliced repeatedly. I can’t believe god put you in that situation and did that to you from the jump either but I never thought you’d leave me to wake up all alone. I’m not even hurt. I’m just like... FLOORED (maybe that explain it) and nah it wasn’t even me typing half that shit from my accounts and at this point I don’t even care I’ll let god tell you himself then.

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    It’s all about me? HArdly though I do relate a lot.... it’s all about us!!! And you’re not just going to randomly shoot and hurt people like target practice anymore. I didn’t even offend you... do you know how young I was when they found me? Terrorizing me away thru all this shit. I’m glad I broke thru for real. But I never expected I’d lose my family twice. What the fuck is even going on with you for real?

  4. #4
    MAD! A Disciple's Avatar
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    Re: Happy Birthday

    Wrote off the rental cause I was on drugs... my poor mother for real. LMAO you continue this shit and I’m a lobby for kill warrants for real. You went far when you hurt me in my born city out of disrespect on purpose waving banners and shit but you really went too far with everything else ever since Norwalk. Like it’s nothing too... like all you all did was just go another round. And like... you all just there watching. DO SOMETHING MOTHER FUCKER! But don’t go to jail too... I don’t come from the snitch side cause In our fields shit like that get you dead. Snitching on someone doing the same thing you doing just cause they can’t handle the time is way different but telling on shit you just against and would never do and is hurting innocent people. That’s not snitching... that’s if you don’t your co-signing the shit too. I’m tired of being there victim with no help. Maybe I don’t know the rules cause I never played a game with my life... but if you got mines involved

  5. #5
    MAD! A Disciple's Avatar
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    Re: Happy Birthday

    And why would I entertain a stalker? I wonder if fucking with a crazy girls head is an extra charge to withholding civil rights.

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    I mean where were you?!?!!?! So you didn’t see me begging you all to just stop?

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    Every time I say Lord to even pray I have to hear someone else ask for forgiveness like this shit a joke. That’s not even my religion. Believe me I have no problems seeing God for real. So what ever this be let it just be cause I refuse to be forced to live in their culture as their victim instead.

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    I’m done talking... but seriously they are REALLY grossing me out!

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    My worst nightmare... nobody can fucking answer me or have a private conversation?

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    You’re on my phone... so how the FUCK did he sleep me and get those pictures?

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    You think I want to entertain someone stalking me after getting hurt and my bed pissed all over?

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    I’m sorry but when the closest dominos is in Hawaii or Jersey when I’m in NC being terrorized - all the sudden my phone supposed to make me feel safe or something?

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    This isn’t ever going to get resolved... TRUST

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    Our families defer then cause I’m not ever letting go of my babies!

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    Nah I have a REAL problem when sobriety is more important than multiple angles abuse. Been there done that - didn’t work or get them off me either.

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    Check that Rex hospital intake report when I got my ass beat down and didn’t even know it but was SOBER. So while you downing everyone you swear you better than - you better be real sure to dot your I’s cause someone older than me knows about this shit and what to do SOMEWHERE

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    Everyone hates me idgaf!!!!! I’m not your FUCKING bitch or trash can or closet!

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    Nah what they did has real psychological ramifications OBVIOUSLY but they don’t have to fuck with me when I’m just trying to get better and recover.

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    I don’t even know whose blowing kisses and even that is creeping me out now. How you right fucking there but don’t know or can’t see it?

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    And taking pictures of me and lying on me when I’m trying to learn to trust again doesn’t set me back? YO FUCK YOU FUCK YOU AND FUCK YOU I DONT CARE WHAT COLOR MY FUCKING EYES ARE IM A FUCKING PERSON. How the fuck I become some toy?

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    I’m tired as fuck and idc I can’t do this anymore.

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    Don’t worry my families family is even worse... people I’ve met like maybe 10x my entire life. What you think I’m some science project. Ask me any question and I’ll tell you why for real. I’m 43 years old why the fuck you can’t ask me to my face for? And I’m supposed to feel guilty for something like I’m the one that did something?

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    How do you think I felt when for one night I knew I’d be safe cause someone was in the room with me. Just to realize you did it too!

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    Does my father know? Do YOU feel guilty. Cause believe me my fathers condition is the last place I want to see him but I don’t even know how to help.

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    Sorry pac to pace on your post but I’m so fucking tired it’s unreal. OVER. EVERYONE shut the fuck up and just walk away. I can find my babies any time and will try back. I just need to know this can’t happen to them for no reason too.

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    And then these stupid bitches that swear they can do that sick shit for me? Nah...

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    No one should’ve been involved to even begin with. How the fuck it even get so fueled if no one even give a fuck about us?

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    You all are selfish beyond comprehension and just love to fight

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    It’s ok my mom said I can check myself out if I want to... I’m not fucking stupid what comes next

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    Do it... cause really YOU CANT DO SHIT TO ME ANYMORE

  6. #6
    MAD! A Disciple's Avatar
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    Re: Happy Birthday

    Why? What do they even win?

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    It’s ok... I’m used to being humiliated by now

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    I didn’t mean to start anything but honestly I’m pretty sure I didn’t. All I do is mind my own business and stay in my lane and all they do is come and fuck me up any time they feel like especially if it’s over my family.

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    Nah... I hate people in my business and I actually hate too much attention too. THEYRE SERVING ME EVERYTHING IM AGAINST on purpose it feel like

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    I’m going to try to sleep again...

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    I just want to be and feel like myself and not forced to circle or kiss my hands or hear sick noises coming out of me either. I don’t trust anybody on my body especially when I don’t even know who. A long time ago... they started a LONG time ago around the time my I think it was my daughter was asking for my at least my birthdays back. I don’t want to be slept or hypnotized or what ever the fuck you freaks are doing. And my bikini and body back and safe. Not so any hater that feels like it can try to change me. Peace and comfort in my own body and try to recover. I want to be able to talk to god without some sick freak of year asking for forgiveness for hurting me. But yet they go and do it again. And I’m tired of everyone lying to me and hiding shit making fun of crazy like it’s some joke. I nerd defense cause I know people not doing this to your bitches either.

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    And who ever has a problem with pyre to stand the fuck up now... be a man... and say yeah I did it. I’d respect that more

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    I just want to blend back in right now if you don’t think I don’t miss my aldos though

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    I don’t know if that’s you though

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    I just wanted you to know what they did and were doing to me. That other scramble idek I was straight crazy for at least 6 months but I know I didn’t say that!

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    Make Kevin leave me alone too... you think I’m fucking stuoid 97?

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    I just have to cut ties to ties too... no hard feelings with most of you and wish you the best.

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    They make it feel like you hate me too. Like what’s this? What’s the fucking point? It makes you a better person? Makes you stronger? Yeah right...

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    I just think it’s real weird that I’m the one sitting here when my boys were the ones that flow and like you didn’t just ruin shit for me cause this all could’ve been solved like 20 years ago.

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    I’m tone deaf like a mother fucker with no flow... I just write

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    Yeah felt that on my ass... let me throw up what that does though...

  7. #7
    MAD! A Disciple's Avatar
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    Re: Happy Birthday

    You know when I start to feel stupid I remind myself insanity... and If ain’t hit it 9x then you wouldn’t and couldn’t understand anyway. In order for you to degrade me you have to be a person or type of person I respect and pac taught me that too!

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